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Весь контент Anime

  1. Anime

    Tyrant machina

    После утреннего рестарта , баг пройдет.
  2. Anime

    Промо с почты

    Возможно вы вошли в личный кабинет с выбором сервера х1500 OLD.Попробуйте переключится на х1200 и потом проверить склад.
  3. Anime

    Change 25.07 (NEW)

    1. Removed Solo Kamaloka 2.Added Casino to the server, cost 15 (Mysterium Coins), drop: Server currency, Runes, Temporary Epic for 24 hours 3.Service for buying Full Clan skills added squads, Clan level no longer disappears (there was such a problem) 4.Reduced the number of Raid Points from Normal raid bosses 5.It's from the Ultra zone is now available for exchange (previously there was a quest one) 6.Fixed a bug when buying a premium Account (If a player has a premium x1.6, he can buy x2.0, if x2.0 is already activated, then the time will simply add up) 7.Changed prices for upgrades of cloaks, belts, bracelets (Increased the number of Champion Souls and PvP items with Ultra Zone) 8. Weakened gladiators 9.Reduced Chancel's chance with PVP insertion from 10% to 2% 10. Changed TvT event. The event lasts 5 minutes, the team that has made the most kills wins. Additional buff after death, Additional reward for Top Killers. For a kill, 10 glory is given. 11.Returned all previously removed cloaks (now all cloaks except Zaken, Freya, Frinteza in the form of skins for insertion). to a premium store and for a CHECK.
  4. Anime

    Forum Rules

    Forum Rules The forum is prohibited 1. Account creation: 1.1 Containing in the name (nickname): - website addresses - advertising - rude and obscene expressions - vocabulary associated with racism - nicknames of other forum users and expression of attitude towards them. 1.2 Duplicate already existing users of the forum. 1.3 To continue communication on the forum after the ban of another / main account. All duplicate accounts created to circumvent the punishment are subject to a permanent ban. 1.4 Containing in avatars, signatures, photographs, images with pornography, scenes of violence. 2. Creating themes: 2.1 Pre-existing on the forum. Use the search to find answers to questions. 2.2 In forums that are not suitable for the topic. Topics that do not match the topic of the forum are moved to the appropriate forum. 2.3 Simultaneously in several forums or several repeated topics in one forum. 2.4 Having a meaningless title, for example, "Help!" or "Question". You should convey its general content in the title of the topic - this way you will be answered more quickly. 2.5 Containing in the title obscenities, rude expressions, insults to other forum users, slander against the administration of the project or violation of any other paragraph of these rules. 3. Posting messages containing: 3.1 Disrespectful remarks or slander to the project administration, as well as to the project as a whole. Any information that could discredit the project and the administration. 3.2 Calls to violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation, racist statements, incitement to ethnic hatred. 3.3 Direct links and references to tragic events that occurred in real life, directly or indirectly related to Lineage2. 3.4 Knowingly false information that can mislead other forum users, harm them, provoke actions that are inadequate to the real state of affairs. 3.5 Commercial advertising, advertising of other projects, referral links. 3.6 Mat (including veiled), rude and offensive statements about other people, provocations for rudeness. 3.7 Excessive amount of spelling errors and slang words. And also an excessive number of words written in capital letters. 3.8 Flood (meaningless and meaningless remarks). Frequent "ups" of topics (it is permissible to raise a topic no more than once every 4 hours). 3.9 Misuse of message text formatting tools such as color, text size, etc. Your message must remain readable and not inconvenient for other people in using the forum. 3.10 Images, texts and videos with pornography, scenes of violence. 3.11 Declassification of any information about users, including names, etc. without their consent. Publication of communication logs, other people's photos, etc. without the permission of the participants in the correspondence and the owners of the photo. 4. Discussion in any form: 4.1 Actions of the administration and moderators of the forum. With claims, please contact the administrators via private messages or through the support service. 4.2 Questions from topics and messages closed / deleted by the administration. Penalties provided for: The punishment is determined by the forum moderator, depending on the severity of the violation, as well as the past history of punishment of the offender. Possible penalties include: - deleting a forum account - deleting a message containing a violation - increasing the level of warnings - banning posts for a period at the discretion of the moderator - blocking the forum account for a period at the discretion of the moderator - ban of all game accounts of the user (in case of serious abuse of violations) Rules for forum moderators: 1. It is unacceptable to issue warnings without specifying a specific reason. 2. It is unacceptable to prejudice any side in the event of conflict situations. 3. If the moderator has exceeded his authority, he also receives a warning. Self-withdrawal of the warning is punishable by deprivation of moderator rights. Only administrators have the right to ban / remove warnings from forum moderators. Rules for Forum Administrators: 1. The administrator is always right. 2. If the administrator is wrong, see point 1.
  5. Anime

    NEW [Great Olympiad Information]

    It has become much more interesting to participate in the "Great Olympics"! We have an updated rating system for the best players per day and week, depending on the number of Olympiad points received. You can also find out your position in the weekly rankings. Daily Reward for Best Player: 3 Gold Einhasad Weekly award for the best players: 1 st - 100 Gold Einhasad 2 st - 70 Gold Einhasad 3 st - 50 Gold Einhasad The rating of the best players for the day and the week is determined depending on the received Olympiad points. Whoever has more Olympiad points gets the reward. The award goes to top one in a day and top three ratings in a week. Award for participation in the Olympiad: Permanent victory reward: Coin of Luck Reward for participation, depending on the scores of the Olympiad: 50 pts - 35% 25 pts - 25% 15 pts - 15% What reward you can get: Treasure Bag [Small] - 65% Treasure Bag [Medium] - 25% Treasure Bag [Rare] - 10% The first heroes will appear after 7 days Olympiad period: 7 days Number of starting points = 20 The maximum number of battles at the Olympics in non-class battles = 150 Limit on enchant weapons = 10 / Limit on enchant armor = 8 / Limit on enchant jewelry = 8 The minimum number of players to start non-class battles = 2 Group battles 3 on 3 - disabled. Class battles are disabled. Time before teleportation to the arena = 60 Time before the start of the battle = 60 Arena Trident - disabled - Disabled due to the specifics of the geodata on it. In the chronicles above, she was removed from the list by the game's developers. Capabilities: The ability to attack the NPC buffer before the start of the battle.
  6. Anime

    Change 14.04

    1.Changed the work of Cancel , now removes random from 5 to 1 buff. 2.Kore 1 and 2 levels no longer stack, similarly Orfen The changes will take effect on 14.04 after Auto Restart.
  7. Anime

    Change/Update 17.04

    1. Increased M. def, P. def for Epic Bosses x10 2. Added Resists to Daggers and Duals in Raid Bosses 3. Added Agathion Effect. When you call Agathion, you get a bonus to P. Atk. And the Magician. Atk. + 6%. 4.Price Agathions 12 Gold.
  8. Anime

    Update 16.04

    1.Added Mini-Quests. More details in alt + b "Mini-Quests". Performed once a day 2.Removed Lottery Box .
  9. Anime

    Change 12.04

    1. Changed the stats of the Rings of Kore, now give 12% and 21% mag. pvp damage! 2. Mage crit chance Increased from 20 to 30%.
  10. Anime

    Change 26.04

    1. P. attack and Crit dmg arbalester minus 10% 2.Agathion Fortess not take buff
  11. Anime

    Change 13.04

    1. The principle of exchanging Epaulets for Talismans in castles and forts has been changed. When you press the exchange button, the talismans will fill up the entire inventory, then you should include "Talisman sum life" in .cfg and make a relog, the talismans in the bag are added. Repeat the process if necessary. 2. Rebuilt the enhancement of Gladiators The approach has changed, the bonus to skills that worked from the charge has been removed. All skills are Enhanced so to speak directly, the enhancement does not work at the Olympics!
  12. Anime

    Change 15.04

    1. Increased magic damage the Soul Hound class. Increased the damage of the Curse of Divinity skill. The class is now in play. 2. Increased the chance of inserting LS Stats + Skill
  13. Anime

    Fix 09.04

    1. Fixed a bug when leaving Olympus during preparation. Now it removes points from the player who flew and gives the player who remained on Olympus, counts the battle, gives fame. 2.The site has moved to a new engine.
  14. Anime

    Change 30.04

    Increased Mage Attack + 15% for classes such as stormScreamer, mysticMuse, soultaker, archmage Decreased crit power sagittarius, moonlightSentinel, ghostSentinel, doombringer - 10% Decreased P attack. and trickster crit power -5%
  15. Anime

    Change 20.04

    1.Buffer changes The buffer has changed, a Premium buff has been added, which is available to any type of Premium account. 2. Removed mage and warrior buffs items. 3.Fixed work of Agathion on Olympus. Agathion does not give a buff at the Olympics 4. Increased Wind Rider damage
  16. Anime

    Изменения/Обновление 17.04

    1. Увеличен М. деф , П. деф у Эпик Боссов x10 2. Добавлены Резисты к Даггерам и Дуалам в Рейд Боссов 3. Добавлен Эффект Агатиона . При вызове Агатиона получаете бонус к P. Atk и M. Atk +6% 4. Цена Агатионов 12 Gold. Обновитесь апдейтером
  17. Anime

    Изменение 15.04

    1. Увеличен общий маг. урон у класса Soul Hound , увеличен урон у скила Curse of Divinity . Класс теперь в игре . 2. Увеличен шанс вставки ЛС Стат + Скилл
  18. Anime

    Изменение 12.04

    1. Изменены статы Колец Коре , теперь дают 12% и 21% маг. пвп урона ! 2. Шанс маг крита Увеличен с 20 до 30 % .
  19. Anime

    Изменения 25.07(NEW)

    2.Добавлено Казино на сервер , стоимость 15 (Mysterium Coins) , дроп : Валюта сервера , Руны , Временный Эпик на 24ч. 3.Сервис по покупке Фулл Клан скиллов добавлены сквады , Уровень клана больше не пропадает (была такая проблема) 4.Уменьшено количество Рейд Очков с Обычных рейд боссов. 5.Итем с Ultra зоны теперь доступен для обмена (ранее был квестовый) 6.Исправлена ошибка при покупке премиум Аккаунта(Если у игрока имеется премиум х1.6 , он может купить х2.0, если х2.0 уже активирован то время просто сложется) 7.Изменены цены на улучшения плащей, поясов , браслетов (Увеличено количество Душ Чемпиона и PvP итема с Ultra Zone) 8.Ослаблены Гладиаторы 9.Уменьшен шанс Канцела с ПВП вставки с 10% до 2% 10.Изменен TvT ивент . Ивент длится 5 минут , побеждает команда которая сделала больше убийств .Доп бафф после смерти,Доп награда Топ Киллерам.За Убийство даётся 10 славы. 11.Возвращены все убранные ранее плащи (теперь все плащи кроме Закена , Фреи , Фринтезы в виде скинов для вставки).Скины добавлены в премиум магазин и за ЧЕК.
  20. Anime

    [Supplement] Upgrading Cloaks

    Dear friends, I hasten to please you! Now, in the "Forge" section, the function of improving your cloak will be available for you The following improvement options are available to you. Improvement in agility. Increases P. Def + 3%, M. Def. + 3%, Speed and attack range with bow / crossbow + 5%, Accuracy and running speed +5, Power of critical attacks + 7%. Strength improvement. Increases Max. HP +130, P. Def + 5%, M. Def + 7%, P. Atk. + 5%, Attack speed increased + 7%. Increases shield defense. Improvement in intelligence. Increases Max. MP +280, P. M. Def + 6%, M. Def. + 3%, M. Def. Atk. + 5%, M. Speed. Atk. + 8%. The effectiveness of healing skills + 7% Cloak Max Level 3 The insertion bonus does not work for the Olympiad. The cloak bonus works. Example:
  21. Anime

    бан чара

    Разбанил. Убедительная просьба не упоминать другие проекты тем более про набор в пак , и грубо говоря спамом без остановки
  22. Anime

    Обновление 16.03

    Запрет на хил и бафф трупов
  23. Anime

    [Information] New quest "In the name of the legend"

    The quest "In the Name of the Legend" is available for players 80+, you can start the quest straight from ALT + B Can be done in a group / One-time / Available for levels 80+ Information: 1. Travel to Dragon Valley, slay Raid Bosses Emerald Horn, Duststorm Rider, Bleeding Fly, Black Blade, Shadowcaller, Thorn Ripper, Mighty Blaster and collect Huge Dragon Bones - 7 2. Speak with Guardian of Antharas Gilmour in the Hunter Village or Dragon Valley and receive a reward of your choice Attention: All of these Raid Bosses are summoned from the Draconic Vortex in Dragon Valley. To summon one RB you will need a special item Large Dragon Bone List of rewards to choose from: Clan Points Certificate - 20000 Fame - 3000 Raid Boss Points - 500 Coin of Luck - 15
  24. Anime

    Fixes 28.04

    1. Fixed a bug with the Ultra zone, now it is impossible to teleport to the zone 15 seconds before changing the zone.  2. Healing of opponents is prohibited at the Last Hero event.
  25. Anime

    Change 22.04

    1.Added Large Bome for calling 7rb in the Hard Zone 2.Reworked LS insert, Stat chance-12% Skill-60%.